Silva Christmas 2023 🎅🏻

We had lot’s going on in December this year including many festive activity’s our sites set up or took part in!
Lots of our sites held Christmas dinners and parties this month, many of our clients were able to enjoy some good Christmas food, sing along to classic Christmas songs, and enjoy socialising with friends throughout the festive period here at Silva Care. North Park had an acting troop called Tickle Pink Productions visit to perform a Christmas pantomime for all the SU’s and staff, all the other sites were invited, and many people attended to watch the performance! One of our supported living houses decided to create some Christmas care packages for all the animals at Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary, when they dropped off the packages, they were kindly given a tour of the cattery and got to see some of the lovely cats they have housed at the sanctuary.
Overall, we had a very busy December, and it was amazing to see all the festive and fun activity’s our sites were involved in, seemed liked everyone at Silva Care had very high Christmas spirits this year-round! 🎅🏻

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Christmas Saving Scheme

We offer a Christmas savings scheme that allows staff members to set up monthly payroll deductions from January to October. The total amount saved will be paid out in the November payslip.

If an employee leaves the company, the scheme will automatically close, and any saved funds will be paid out. Staff also have the option to request an early withdrawal of their savings by emailing our payroll team.