A Support Worker is a professionality in the care field that supports individuals to maintain their health and wellbeing. A Support Worker will also support an individual to maintain their home as well as supporting them to achieve goals and access activities in their daily lives. Overall, a Support Worker’s aim is to help an individual who requires support to live a rewarding, fulfilling and meaningful life.
Support Worker jobs can be incredibly varied, depending on the organisation who employs them. Support Workers can support individuals with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, autism, individuals with a diagnosis such as Epilepsy, individuals who require support to maintain their mental health or providing support to those recovering from drug or alcohol abuse.
One of the most asked questions is what is the difference between a care worker and a support worker? These are both titles for the same supportive role within the health and social care sector. You may find slight differences, but this is likely to be due to the requirements of the care provider that is employing a team.
At Silva Care, our team is primarily made up of Support Workers – we then have other job positions such as Key Workers, Senior Support Workers and our management team. We provide support predominately for adults with learning disabilities within the Bristol area, but many of the people we support have co-diagnoses that will also require support from their Support Worker teams.
Being a Support Worker at Silva Care will require you to support individuals with their personal care needs and to manage their medications daily. Support Workers are often required to support individuals to attend health appointments too – such as GP, Dentist, Social Worker appointments. Support Workers will also support to ensure that food shops have been done, and chores around the house are kept on top of and manageable.
Another daily part of the Support Worker role is supporting the individual with their dietary needs, supporting people to make positive food choices, and supporting them to prepare meals or supporting people to manage their nutritional needs by ensuring their PEG feeding tubes are set up correctly and following the routine set out by a dietician.
Our overall aim at Silva Care is to support individuals to be as independent as possible, sometimes we are there to support somebody to remember which order they need to complete tasks to make a cup of tea, sometimes we are there to support somebody to access a social group that they attend weekly, and other times we are there to support somebody to go on holiday for a well-deserved break! We will also support with everything in-between those tasks too!
We are always led by the person we are providing a support service for, so the job role of a Support Worker is flexible to be able to meet the needs of the person we are supporting that day.
Does being a Support Worker sound like something you would be good at?
Do you live in/near the Bristol area and are looking for a new job?
Do you have a caring nature and passion for supporting people to achieve their goals?
You could be a great fit for our team!
Check out our jobs page to apply for a role with us, or you can give our friendly recruitment team a call on 01179 562411 or email admin@silvacare.org.uk
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At Silva Care we strive to deliver the highest quality of care and satisfaction to all of our service users, carers and relatives by providing person centred support and care. We understand that needs are unique to the individual therefore we plan with you and other people who are important to you the support you would like.
Uniqueness is Powerful!
At Silva Care we champion and believe in the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals. We pledge ourselves to recognise the rights of all people, to advocate mutual respect and acceptance of others without prejudices or biases of any kind.
The Oaks Office
37 Penn Drive
Bristol, BS16 1NN
T: 01179109940
Unit 23, Osprey Court
Hawkfield Business Park
Whitchurch Lane
Bristol, BS14 0BB
T: 01179562411