We sat down with Hillary, a mother of one of the guys we support who’s transitioned from living at home with family to moving into a supported living placement with us.
In this interview Hillary talks about her experience from a parent’s perspective, and the impact it’s had on both her and her son’s life.
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At Silva Care we strive to deliver the highest quality of care and satisfaction to all of our service users, carers and relatives by providing person centred support and care. We understand that needs are unique to the individual therefore we plan with you and other people who are important to you the support you would like.
Uniqueness is Powerful!
At Silva Care we champion and believe in the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals. We pledge ourselves to recognise the rights of all people, to advocate mutual respect and acceptance of others without prejudices or biases of any kind.
The Oaks Office
37 Penn Drive
Bristol, BS16 1NN
T: 01179109940
Unit 23, Osprey Court
Hawkfield Business Park
Whitchurch Lane
Bristol, BS14 0BB
T: 01179562411